the oak – oak trees in winter – by peter gartmann + sabina roth

oak trees in winter – oakwood-pasture at wildenstein – art photography + book – by © peter gartmann + sabina roth, switzerland

oak trees in winter

art photography – by © peter gartmann + sabina roth


for thousands of years humans have associated the oak tree with energy, power, strength and immortality. This high symbolic value accorded to the oak meant that for many cultures it was the tree of trees, their monarch.


All the oak photographs were taken in the oakwood-pasture at Wildenstein, Bubendorf – Switzerland.



To talk about oaks and rocks…

is to allude to the hardness of the wood and is no less significant than a discussion about the origins of the world



The lifespan of an oak

compared to that of a human is almost an eternity.

Those who plant oaks

are thinking not about their children or grandchildren –

but believe in the future.





more pictures – by peter gartmann – on instagram


more pictures – von sabina roth – auf instagram


The Oakwood at Schloss Wildenstein


The Wildenstein oakwood-pasture at Bubendorf is a unique nature reserve surrounded by one of the few remaining areas of medieval cultural landscape in the Canton of Basel-Land, Switzerland. It is without doubt one of the most impressive and last-surviving witnesses to a centuries-old past.


The pedunculate oak – Quercus robur – and the sessile oak – Quercus petraea – are the two species that grow in the Wildenstein oakwood.


Powerful, old oaks were planted at regular distances from one another and carefully tended over the years. Now they stand erect, furrowed and knotted, their branches spread out wide, their crowns rising proudly into the sky. Majestic oak trees, despite their considerable age. They have braved numerous storms. Many springs, summers, autumns and winters lie behind them. The lines etched deep into their bark testify to that. Wind, sun, rain and ice have left their mark.



“The very best ham grows under oak trees.”





for more pictures – by peter gartmann + sabina roth – look at susanne minder art collection



see more art photography – from the series the oak – die eiche – by peter gartmann + sabina roth – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder



see more art photography – from the series dry damages in forest – trockenschäden im wald – by sabina roth – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder


see also art paintings from the series – christo and jeanne-claude – wrapped trees 1998 – photos by peter gartmann – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne


see also art photography – from the series – the oak – sovereign among the trees – die eiche – königin aller bäume – schwarz-weiss-fotos – by peter gartmann – art + photography, switzerland – art picture collection susanne minder
